Melanie Lock Melanie Lock

Tell me where you ache?

The Holy threshold of ageing is teaching me Her ways of forgiving and becoming my truth. Though I’ve had to be willing to turn my insides-out into the world as some kind of revolutionary act, because the system prefers something polished and pretty to dominate, conquer and diminish….

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Melanie Lock Melanie Lock

Un-Earthing the Goddess

Deep in the sands of the Earth lay the remnants of Goddess worship. Altars, clay statues, poems and prayers belonging to the legacy of the All Mother. These exist in spite of the empires that have attempted to rule over Her. I like to remember, that long after my feet have touched this Earth, She will remain eternal, so long as her stories are told…

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Melanie Lock Melanie Lock

The Goddess & War

My bones are dissolving into the evolved Mother. I call it Mature Matrescence – the binding threshold into my Autumn years. I used to wonder “how will I know when I have arrived?” but now I know that to be initiated is to alchemise that which I’m willing to see and feel….

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Melanie Lock Melanie Lock

The Wild Terrain of Peri/menopause

Perimenopause is the Bermuda Triangle of a Woman’s reproductive system – a captivating, feared and mysterious destination. It’s possible that it became grossly misunderstood because those who did the original mapping were men without wombs, vaginas, breasts and the underpinnings of what it means to be a Woman.

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