“When I witness a Woman “really let herself go” I trust she’s finally descending – or letting herself go, to the Underworld. To the belly of the dark and buried Feminine within. And I know what looks like insanity to the toxic patriarchal culture means she’s touching true sanity”
Sarah D. Wilson

Wild Autumn Woman
An online immersion for Peri/Menopausal Women
Join me to discuss the portal of Peri/Menopause – the initiation, de-armouring, transformation and deep mythology of this powerful Rite of Passage for Women coming of age.
Gen X and Millenial women have entered the arena of mid-life wanting a more wholesome peri/menopauseexperience. We’re the rebellious and resilient generations that are here to dismantle the taboo and shame of ageing, and reimagine what it means to live beyond our ‘fertile years’.
Over 4 weeks I’ll be hosting an online gathering via Zoom to discuss the deep rich symbolism of Peri/Menopause. Different topics (*see below) will be discussed including shared course content, readings, journal prompts. I’ll also be hosting 2 seperate group Q+A’s and embodiment practice’s to provide time to digest and integrate the material
This course is something real to dig your roots into. A place to explore what it means to be initiated into Mid-life; to reclaim the meaning and metaphor of a Rite of Passage that has been demonised and weaponised in the modern era

“Before the moon I am, what a Woman is, a woman of power, a woman’s power, deeper than the roots of trees, deeper than the roots of islands, older then the Making, older than the moon”
- Ursula K. Le Guin, 'Tehanu'

Mid Life
I arrived to my middle-years by leaving an old life (my marriage) behind. I gathered the hems of my skirt and leapt from numb-comfort into the unknown, not just because I’d fallen out of love but because I no longer understood the person I had become. Many times during my 40’s I dissolved into a death/rebirth cycle, fleshing out old skins and wounds to birth myself anew. At times, I stood firmly in these initiations with clear empowered knowing, and at other times I got to meet the very scared and protective parts of myself.
Mid-life is, after-all, a series of contractions and dilations that we undergo before fully emerging as Autumn Women, reaching our roots down into the soil of the 3rd season of our life. Women often traverse the physiological landscapes of peri-menopause undernourished, confused, fatigued, disorientated and despairing. There are key factors in putting the pieces together and finding a more holistic and soulful ways to manage our symptoms. For relief, yes, but also to better learn about ourselves, our bodies, and our dreams too.
What’s included:
2 Live Zoom Calls
We gather online over 4 weeks to discuss issues directly affecting our Peri/menopause journey. See below for a full list of topics I will be covering per week.
Self-paced Course Material
Access to the Wild Autumn Woman portal where you can find course notes, videos and uploads relevant to the course material.
2 Q+A & Somatic Practice Sessions
I’ll be hosting 2 seperate integration sessions over the 4 week period. This will not be recorded for privacy reasons. Attendance is recommended.

Some words from emerging Autumn Women
“Melanie is humble, wise and real and this resonates through all that she offers. Her offerings are so sacred and meaningful you can’t help but feel nourished, inspired, empowered, enriched, opened, lifted, carried and more whole because of them”.
— C. N.
“I loved it and I didn’t want it to end. It helped me to deepen my connection with my body and my heart. I gained a new wisdom and feel ready to embrace the natural change in the undercurrents of my body and my life, knowing that I have other wild, rebellious Autumn Women beside me”
— A. T

Topics I’ll be covering:
Deep Feminine Wisdom: the soma and symbolism of our Rites of Passage
Meeting our resistance, internalised misogyny and the pathology of our denial
Grief, Shame & Trauma and the story of the Womb
Peri/menopause though a mythological lens
Rage and Eros – our libido, immune system + vitality and the medications + practices that suppress them
The organs that support Peri/menopause – adrenals, thyroid & core gut health
The roles of Oestrogen, Progesterone & Testosterone
Herbs and plant allies, home remedies and beneficial nutrient supplements
Fixerupperer’s Vs real medicine how to dodge the BS
Decoding our symptoms as the intelligent language of the body.
Sustainable nourishment for a Mid-Life Woman - determining our energy potential.
Exercise and movement, body contracts and ageing
Vitality, eros, sensuality and sex - Sacraments of the Deep Feminine.
dates to be released ….
A 4 week online course for Women wanting to explore the wild landscapes of Peri/menopause through a more holistic & mythological lens. Join me to discover the power and rich symbolism of this epic journey of descent and re-emergence, and learn about the ways nutrition and natural medicine can support you.

Payment options:
Upfront Payment $449
Payment plan $122.25 per week
($489 in total)
Sliding Tier
for eg. single income mothers or those with limited finances
from $289 - $385 (contact me directly)
Returning W.A.W. participants
Upfront Payment $349.00
Payment plan $97.25 per week
($389 in total)

A rich symbolic language beneath the chaos of our physical symptoms:
Late Matresence. Mid-life. Autumn. Descending into the Spiral. Pagan Sabbats of Mabon and Samhain. The Unbecoming. Waning Gibbous Moon. Seed Bearer. Element of Earth. Body. Matter. Medicine Woman. Wisdom. Rage. Liberation. Womb. Ageing. Harvest Queen.
What if I miss a call?
All Zoom calls will be recorded and shared within 24 hours. Q+A / somatic sessions will not be recorded.
Will W.A.W become an in-person workshop?
Eventually, the core of W.A.W will be offered in a retreat format however these things take time. For now it is only available online.
I have attended W.A.W. before. Can I rejoin?
Yes! Contact me to receive a discount code for your purchase. All previous W.A.W. attendees are eligible.
I’m not sure if I’m in Perimenopause, does that matter?
This course is for all women entering into their 40’s / 50’s - edging closer to or within the season of their Autumn (mid-life). You don’t have to medically classify as Perimenpausal to join.
I don’t like online courses, they’re too impersonal. Will this be different?
All of my online offerings have limited spaces available to ensure an intimate and cohesive group field. My invitation into the online space is warm and welcoming. Your privacy and confidentiality is paramount.
Is there a payment plan?
I will be offering payments plans and payment tiers for women who want to access my work but have limited financial capacity. If you feel you qualify for a lower payment tier please contact me directly so we can make affordable arrangements.
I’m post-menopausal, will this course benefit me?
The mythology and symbolism of Peri/menopause is a practice and metaphor that can be applied to many other experiences in our life. Whilst the focus is on the sypmtoms of Peri/menopause, this includes the completion of that transition too - into the space that comes after, Menopause.